Saturday, May 19, 2012

Can The Speed of Light Be Broken?

Scientists at CERN the home of the Large Hadron Collider, are puzzled by some new experimental results that could change the way we think about the basic laws of Physics forever.
The results from experiments that they have been performing seem to imply that a certaintype of particle has been breaking the speed of light!
These results are based on statistical measurements that Dr Ereditato – who carried out the experiments, has opened up to the wider scientific community to try and validate.
As many will know, the speed of light is the theoretical speed limit of the Universe, and sofar all the experimental results over many years have borne this out. Dr Ereditato and his team were performing an experiment to see how many mu-on neutrinos turned into tau neutrinos when fired from CERN, to an underground lab at Gran Sasso in Italy over 700Km away.
The results from these tests seemed to show that the neutrinos were turning up slightly earlier than anticipated. We are only talking billionths of seconds here but that is a very significant result.
So, could this be a momentous point in history when the basic laws of physics are turned on their head? Or will it turn out to bea ‘Gremlin’ in the experimental procedures and the basic laws of Physics remain intact?
Let us know what you think in the commentsbelow. Meanwhile, this will be worth keeping an eye on.

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